Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Weekend Entrepreneurs

There is a growing trend amongst young professionals to become a 'weekend' entrepreneur. They are working fulltime for a Microsoft, Unilever, etc and also have a start-up on the side. I don't know if I should be happy about this trend or should I be worried. There are a lot of students who want to be entrepreneurs but end up taking a middle path. It is a way of checking out a biz opportunity and reducing the risk by not commiting fully. They have a wish to start their own enterprise but they do not want to take the plunge by giving up their secure jobs.

I have certain misgivings about such businesses:

1. Usually, it goes against your employment contract

2. Attention gets divided between job and venture and you end up doing a bad job with both.

3. Most new business manage to survive only because of the immense effort and drive of the entrepreneur. You don't see such commitment in part-time entrepreneurs.

On the other hand, it is probably more encouraging that they started a business rather than investing their surplus in the stock market. After all, it is a start of some sort.

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